A Woman’s Heart with Lisa Granger

God has placed something unique and powerful inside every woman’s heart and each story is worth telling. By sharing our stories, we create a space for hope, encouragement, and real life application.

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Tuesday Oct 15, 2024

What do you do when the world as you know it is over? You can wallow in grief and misery or you can walk through the pain to a new normal. Dawn Sanders knows what it is like to walk through heartbreaking loss to a new beginning. She shares the steps she learned about creating a new life from the story of creation in Genesis and her book, When Your World Ends: God’s Creative Process for Rebuilding a Life. 
Dawn M. Sanders (MDiv, Bethel Seminary) is an associate minister at First Baptist Church of Glenarden where she serves as the director of the sermon-based life groups ministry. Her passion is expository teaching and sharing the wonderful insights God has shown her in his Word. She does this through writing weekly discussion guides for the life groups as well as teaching several in-depth Bible studies. Dawn has written and taught extensively on overcoming adversity and creating a new life, both at church and on her personal blog.
What is your start-over style?
Connect with Lisa!

Tuesday Oct 08, 2024

Have you ever been in a dark place? Perhaps you feel desperate and hopeless with no comfort in sight. Even when we are in the depths of despair and impossible situations, we can find power in prayer. Rachel Wojo shares her story of loss and the power behind desperate prayers that can knit us to God’s heart. We can find peace in the midst of heartache and pain as we lean on God.
Rachel Wojo is an inspirational author, public speaker, podcaster known for her popular blog, rachelwojo.com. Through her biblical approach and personal life experiences, Rachel empowers women to discover strength and hope in everyday situations. Despite enduring the loss of her mother, adult special needs daughter, and father, Rachel remains resilient. She has authored the uplifting book, One More Step: Finding Strength When You Feel Like Giving Up, and her newest work, Desperate Prayers: Embracing the Power of Prayer in Life's Darkest Moments. Rachel is crazy in love with her husband, Matt, and cherishes her motherhood with six children on earth and two in heaven.
Free resource when you don’t know how to pray: www.rachelwojo.com/cant-pray
For more about the book and resources: www.desperateprayers.com
Connect with Lisa: www.lisagranger.com

Tuesday Oct 01, 2024

Have you ever felt exhausted, suffering alone and in silence for a long time? There is a woman in the Bible who knows that feeling.  She was bleeding for 12 years until she hears about Jesus and reaches out to touch his clothes. In this episode I share some of the things I learned about this story and healing. It’s not enough to know who Jesus is or have a Bible in the house, we need to reach out and TOUCH Jesus and allow His word to touch our lives.
Time; Obedience; Understanding; Connection; Healing
Matthew 9: 20-22; Luke 8: 42b-48; Mark 5: 24-34
Additional references - Number 15: 38-40; Malachi 4:2; Matthew 14:36, 23:5; Deuteronomy 22:12; Psalm 133:2; Acts 5:15; Matthew 13:14-15; Mark 4:11-12; Isaiah 6:9
“Jesus… deliberately touched rather than healed by his word to show compassion and to anticipate by his action the coming change in law under the new covenant…. Jesus is not defiled, but those are cleansed and healed.” https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/clean-unclean/
“The disciples were incredulous, but Jesus knew that healing power had gone out of Him. We can’t “steal” a miracle from God. After the woman comes forward and explains herself, Jesus clears up any misconceptions about her healing, saying, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering” (Mark 5:34). God is moved to action by our faith, even when He’s in the middle of doing something else!Jesus could have healed the woman and kept on walking to His original destination. Only He and the woman would have known what had taken place. But He didn’t do that. Jesus stopped what He was doing and acknowledged the result of this woman’s faith: her complete and instantaneous healing.” https://www.gotquestions.org/woman-issue-blood.html
“T’shuva” or “teshuvah” Hebrew – repentance; return as if turning back to something you’ve strayed or looked away from; back to center; take stock of your values; leads to healing; healing for brokenness, new beginnings, www.hebrew4christians.com
 Connect with Lisa:

Tuesday Sep 24, 2024

What sort of legacy do you want to leave? Do you even think about what legacy you are leaving with everything that you do? Legacy is not just stuff. Legacy is more about the memories and the lessons you leave with loved ones. Hospitality can be a way to leave a lasting legacy. Sue Donaldson is passionate about hospitality and legacy. We talk about why she feels so deeply about hospitality, combating loneliness, and the difference between hospitality and entertaining. We also talk about what sort of legacy we leave behind and why it’s important.Speaker, author, podcaster, Sue Donaldson and her husband, Mark, live in San Luis Obispo, California. Sue taught high school English, part of the time in Brazil with Wycliffe Bible Translators. She and her husband, Mark, have raised 3 daughters who keep them at the bank and on their knees. Sue loves connecting people to one another, to God, and to His Word, and has been speaking for the last 20 years or so with long pauses for babies, diapers and soccer pasta parties. She blogs at WelcomeHeart.com and hosts a weekly podcast: WELCOME HEART: Living a Legacy Life- https://welcomeheart.com/podcast Free Resource from Sue! https://welcomeheart.com/lisa-granger-a-womans-heart-podcast/ FB https://www.facebook.com/suemooredonaldson/ To connect with Lisa: www.lisagranger.com

Tuesday Sep 17, 2024

Have you ever had to take a detour? It can be a real hassle, inconvenient, confusing, time-consuming and scary. It can also be a scenic route with untold beauty. Lori Ann Wood found herself on a serious detour when she was diagnosed with severe heart failure. With no obvious symptoms or family history, she was caught off guard to find herself clinging to life and questioning her faith. Lori Ann shares her story on heart health and the insights she gained on common questions about worry, doubt, and control. Lori Ann Wood lives with her husband in an empty nest in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. After discovering a serious heart condition almost too late, Lori Ann became an award-winning author and speaker whose passion is to explore deep faith questions along the detours of life. Lori Ann’s first book, Divine Detour: The Path You’d Never Choose Can Lead to the Faith You’ve Always Wanted, is available at https://loriannwood.com/books/ .Get her free gift, When You Can’t Talk to God, at https://loriannwood.com/hope/ .For 5 Warning Signs of Heart Failure https://loriannwood.com/heart To connect with Lisa: www.lisagranger.com

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024

When we think of Jesus, we think New Testament. But when you look a little closer, Jesus is throughout the whole Bible. We can easily put Jesus in a much smaller box that He will fit it. What started out as a simple ornament exchange one year, became so much more for Donna Amidon. She began to look through the Old Testament for the presence of Jesus, and began to see that He is so much bigger than we sometimes think He is. She shares some of the lessons she learned about how the enemy lies to us, turning our complaints into requests, offering what we do up to God, and more.A graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary, Donna Amidon is a wife, mom, speaker, author, and lover of all things Bible. With a passion for encouraging women, Donna has served as a Bible teacher, worship leader, radio broadcaster, small groups director, and pastor’s wife. Currently, Donna homeschools her two children and is an active speaker for Stonecroft Ministries and various women’s events. In addition to speaking, Donna works for Back to the Bible as a Spiritual Fitness Coach, hosting short video programs to encourage Christians in their daily walk. Donna and her husband of 23 years reside in Midlothian, VA, and have two teenage children.Find out more about Donna: https://www.donnaamidon.org/ For resources, information and to keep in touch www.lisagranger.com

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

Do you ever wonder how God will use your dreams? How can all the pieces fit together? We can have a dream in our heart, but if we don’t step out and put legs on those dreams, it may never happen. When Lori Altebaumer’s husband said “do what brings you joy”, she started writing and hasn’t looked back. She is passionate about letting women know they have a place in God’s story and when they get their hearts in line with how God sees them, they are powerful beyond measure.Lori is a multi-published author who describes herself as a wandering soul with a home keeping heart. Her debut novel, A Firm Place to Stand, was recognized as a 2020 AWSA Golden Scrolls Awards winner as well as being a finalist for Best First Novel and Best Romantic Suspense in the Selah Awards and Director’s Choice Award at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in 2021. She enjoys engaging with all facets of the writing industry and people who are passionate about the craft of writing. A life-long Texan, she loves her Texas roots, things that make her laugh, and the company of family and friends.Connect with Lori on social media or her website: https://lorialtebaumer.com/ Keep in touch www.lisagranger.com

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

Summer Reading Series! Have you ever thought the Bible was boring? The Bible isn’t just a collection of do’s and don’ts, it has some amazing and exciting stories about real people with lessons that can still speak to us today. Our guest, Barbara Britton knows about stories in the Bible and stories from today that we can all learn from. We talk about her latest book, Escape to Whispering Creek, as well as her journey from Sunday School teacher to multi-published author of Biblical fiction and contemporary fiction. We also talked about the lessons God can teach us through stories and along life’s journey.Barbara M. Britton lives in Southeast, Wisconsin and loves the snow—when it accumulates under three inches. Barbara writes award-winning Christian romantic adventures for teens and adults from Bible Times to present-day USA. She has a nutrition degree from Baylor University but loves to dip healthy strawberries in chocolate. You can find out more about Barbara and her books on her website www.barbarambritton.com .For the complete reading list: https://www.lisagranger.com/summer-reading

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024

Summer Reading Series! Have you ever felt overwhelmed by anxiety or paralyzed by fear? Our guest, Tessa Afshar, is well acquainted with those feelings. She battled anxiety for years and now shares how you can also find rest in the One who loves you most. We talk about her personal story of how she came to know of Jesus and then how she grew to love Him.
Tessa Afshar’s award-winning novels have been on Publishers Weekly and CBA bestseller lists and have been translated into 12 languages. Winner of the ECPA Bronze Milestone award, the Christy, the INSPY, and the ECPA Christian Book Award for her Bible study, The Way Home, Tessa holds a Master of Divinity from Yale, where she served as co-chair of the Evangelical Fellowship for one year. Born in the Middle East to a nominally Muslim family, Tessa converted to Christianity in her twenties. She is a devoted wife, a mediocre gardener, and an enthusiastic cook of biblical recipes.
Connect with Tessa: https://tessaafshar.com/ For the complete
Summer Reading List and connect with Lisa: https://www.lisagranger.com/summer-reading

Tuesday Aug 13, 2024

Summer Reading Series! Ever have a dream that takes longer than you expected? God can use the dreams that He places inside us to shape our hearts and bless others in unexpected ways. Gabrielle Meyer had a love of reading and history that turned into storytelling of her own.  She kept going despite rejection and criticism with some encouragement from special people in her life.
Gabrielle Meyer lives on the banks of the Upper Mississippi River with her husband and four children. As an employee of the Minnesota Historical Society, she fell in love with the rich history of her state and enjoys writing historical and contemporary novels inspired by real people, places, and events. The river is a constant source of inspiration for Gabrielle, and if you look closely, you will find a river in each of her stories. When Gabrielle is not writing, you might find her homeschooling her children, cheering them on at sporting and theatrical events, or hosting a gathering at her home with family and friends.
Connect with Gabrielle at https://gabriellemeyer.com/
For the complete summer reading list: https://www.lisagranger.com/summer-reading

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