A Woman’s Heart with Lisa Granger

God has placed something unique and powerful inside every woman’s heart and each story is worth telling. By sharing our stories, we create a space for hope, encouragement, and real life application.

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Tuesday Mar 19, 2024

Have you ever felt weary while waiting for answered prayer?  When hard times come, we can get discouraged and hopeless.  If we stay discouraged long enough, it can breed a hard heart and resentment toward God.  Kelly Hall speaks with us about her journey of waiting on God and the lessons she learned.  Some of the keys that she shares are leaning in to God and getting curious.  When we keep our conversation with God open, there is room for growing and healing at the deepest levels of our soul.
Kelly hosts the Unshakable Hope podcast and is an author, Bible teacher, and speaker. She has a unique family story of raising four children, three with special needs, in the constantly challenging world of the Air Force followed by an unexpected journey into chronic illness and ongoing caregiving. She is intimately familiar with the ache of unanswered prayers, so her greatest joy is helping others discover the hope that holds us even when life shakes us. She lives in AZ and enjoys the beauty of the Sonoran Desert with her husband of 38 years, 2 adult daughters and a super smart service dog named Skylar.
To Connect with Kelly: www.KellyHall.org
The Word of God gives us everything we need while we go through difficult times.  Check out some Scriptures on hope.
Free Resource: Hope-filled Scripture 

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

Have you ever felt alone or unsure of how to handle this thing called life?  Have you ever wanted someone to come alongside you to share what they have learned and be there for you?  When we feel isolated and insecure, it increases our stress and anxiety.  We can get stuck in negative mindsets, attitudes and behavior. Nancy Lindgren knows about developing real, authentic mentor relationships and the positive impact they can have on our lives.  The relationships that are formed through mentoring have ripple effects for everyone involved.
Nancy Lindgren has over 35 years of experience in mentoring.  She is the Founder and CEO of MORE Mentoring, a renowned organization dedicated to mobilizing mentors.  Her book, Mentoring Made Real: The Power of Authentic Connection, gives an in-depth look at the mentoring adventure. Nancy’s greatest joy is walking with others, providing support and pointing them to Jesus.
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024

At some point, we all need healing in our lives.  Whether it is for our body because of an injury or illness, or our mind because of heartbreak or grief, or our soul because of unforgiveness or hopelessness, we desire healing and wholeness.  When we continue to walk around wounded and broken, the wounds can fester and the poison leaks out in our attitude and frequently in our treatment of others.  Sometimes we can go to a doctor or therapist and they can give us a remedy, but sometimes there is no remedy for what ails us in a pill or on a couch.  The ultimate Healer and Mighty Counselor is God Himself and He is not only able to heal us, He desires to give us an abundant life with only the best.  My word of the year is healing and I wanted to share what I have been learning so far on this journey. There’s no co-pay involved in listening in with me or sharing with a friend, and the rewards can be priceless.
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024

What steals your joy?  There are many things in life which can threaten our joy from circumstances to other people to our own mindset.  Doris Swift shares what she has learned from John 15 about how to combat the joy stealers in our life. When we recognize what we are struggling with and then connect to the true vine of Jesus, we can have the fruit of joy in our lives despite whatever is going on in our lives.  True joy is found in surrendering to God's perfect plan for our lives and trusting Him in all circumstances.
Doris Swift is an author, speaker, founder of Fierce Calling Ministries, and host of the award-winning Fierce Calling podcast. She is passionate about equipping women to dig deeper into God's word, take action where their passion, compassion, and conviction intersect, and walk boldly in their fierce calling. Her new Bible study, Surrender the Joy Stealers: Rediscover the Jesus Joy in You, a six-week Bible study rooted in John 15, helps women identify and surrender what holds them back so they can rediscover their joy and walk forward in the plans God prepared in advance for them to do.
 Website: dorisswift.com
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

Have you ever experienced a devastating loss? Jesus says we will have trouble in this world, but He has overcome the world. Betty Ringeisen has experienced the devastating loss of not one or two miscarriages, but five. We explore why it is important to share the story of loss and how trusting in God's goodness can provide comfort and restoration in the midst of such a challenging journey. Betty is transparent in acknowledging the emotional, physical, and spiritual pain that comes with the loss of a pregnancy. She validates the range of emotions experienced, while coming back to the truth that God is faithful. We need to allow ourselves time to process and grieve loss in a healthy way, and then remember that God is a good Father who loves his daughters fiercely.  There is hope for healing.
Betty Ringeisen is an author, experienced conference speaker, and Bible teacher. She develops and teaches spiritual discipleship focused on helping individuals step more fully into their identity in Christ. Betty is dedicated to spiritual and emotional healing. Her greatest passion is to help others discover their God given identity and walk in the freedom Jesus died to give them. She believes every person has a destiny carved out for them and equips others to meet their highest potential in order to live The Kingdom Life now. Betty's book Waiting for Jedidiah: How to Experience God's Healing after a Miscarriage is available on Amazon. 
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Feb 13, 2024

Have you ever felt inadequate for the task God called you to do? Mandy Hood knows how that feels. Mandy shares her journey of helping to create a community-based women’s ministry in her hometown and what she has learned in the process.  When she first felt God calling her, she wasn’t sure how it would look, but declares the ride has been worth it.  Mandy has a passion for serving women and knows first-hand the importance of connection, sharing experiences, and supporting one another through life’s ups and downs.  God can do more than you could imagine when you step out in faith to follow Him.
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Feb 06, 2024

Has your faith ever felt stale or blah? Stephanie Rousselle shares a feast of insight and inspiration along with some practical tips on how to keep our faith fresh. Looking at different cultural perspectives can spice things up and trying a variety of spiritual disciplines can add flavor to your walk with Christ. Above all, when we take the Bible in as nourishment for our souls, the Word comes alive and we can experience an abundance of faith that God intends for us all the time.
Stephanie Rousselle is the founder of Gospel Spice Ministries and host of the top 1% global eponymous podcast. Her motto is, “God’s glory, our delight!” She is a wife, mom, podcaster, public speaker, Bible teacher, former women’s ministry director and strategy consultant. And she is 100% French. Born and raised in France, she has lived for her One over the last two decades on three continents, four countries and five cities through six professional roles. She thrives on Bible-centered inspirational writing and speaking, and dark chocolate. She has been teaching Scripture to thousands over the last 20 years in France, the UK, Africa and the US, and now to thousands more on all six continents through the Gospel Spice Podcast.
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024

You know what happens when you pray for patience? I learned that the same concept applies when you make HOPE your word of the year. Hope is still a postive expection and you need to place your hope in God, not people or circumstances. Instead of downloading hope into our heart, God gives us opportunities to cultivate hope in the middle of the heartache and messiness of life.
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

When the New Wears Off

Tuesday Jan 23, 2024

Tuesday Jan 23, 2024

What happens when the new wears off?  There is an allure and excitement that comes with something new, whether it is a new year, new relationship or new item. But the enthusiasm may fade as routines and challenges emerge or things change.  This cycle of newness can occur in various aspects of our life.  Fortunately, we can solace in the everlasting newness available in our relationship with Christ.  We can embrace the opportunity for ongoing renewal and growth in Him.
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Jan 16, 2024

Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution you didn’t keep?  We are going to get real today as we talk about some of the reasons why we fail to keep our resolutions and then some ways to achieve our goals.  This conversation with Cheryl Anderson with Gain Clarity Coaching and Consulting is power-packed with practical tools and tips to overcome the obstacles that keep us from keeping our resolutions and succeeding in our goals. 
Why people fail with resolutions: 1. People are not clear on their goals. 2. People get overwhelmed. 3. People don’t know their why. 4. People get discouraged. 5. Growth is not a linear process.
To achieve goals: 1. celebrate wins. 2. Share with someone. 3. One day at a time. 4. Know your why. 5. Think about your thinking.
Cheryl Anderson is a licensed psychotherapist with over 31 years of experience.  She lives in Florida with her husband and they have two adult daughters.  Her passion is coaching and encouraging people to lead themselves well.
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

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