A Woman’s Heart with Lisa Granger

God has placed something unique and powerful inside every woman’s heart and each story is worth telling. By sharing our stories, we create a space for hope, encouragement, and real life application.

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Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

What does hospitality mean to you during the holidays? We talk with Tonda Hayworth about some practical tips on how to make hospitality a little easier during this season and some ways to keep our heart in the right place. Hospitality is a heart issue. We want our homes and our hearts to be open and welcoming to friends and family for Christmas. Tonda is a Wife, Momma, Speaker, and Feeder of people. God has allowed her to use the calling and subject of hospitality in many ways over the years. She has a Ministry called Gathering of Givers that caters to women who are in ministry and also Pastor's wives. She has Hospitality To Go on the business side that allows her to help others with their food or event needs.
Facebook: Hospitality to Go
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Thursday Nov 30, 2023

This is a bonus episode from my first conversation with Kelly Goshorn in 2021 as she was releasing her debut novel.  A Love Restored is a story that is very personal for Kelly, set in Loudon County, Virginia in the 1870s. Join us as we talk about body image, pride and our identity in Christ.  Kelly describes herself as an old-fashioned Jesus girl. You can connect with her on social media and her website https://kellygoshorn.com/
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

What happens when you take a family heirloom on a faith journey through four generations of trials and challenges? You get a Christmas legacy of love, perseverance, redemption, forgiveness and healing. Kelly Goshorn shares her experience working with other authors on the book Chiseled on the Heart. The collection of four stories follows four generations of a family who each contribute to a hard carved Nativity set. Kelly wrote the fourth story, The Christmas Carving, which is set after the Civil War and deals with the theme of forgiveness and reconciliation. She also talks about the lessons she has learned by stepping out and following God's call to write. Kelly Goshorn weaves her affinity for history and her passion for God into inspiring stories of love, faith, and family set in America's vibrant past. Her debut novel, A Love Restored, won multiple awards. When she is not writing, Kelly enjoys period dramas, board games with her family and her dog, Levi. Other authors in Chiseled on the Heart are Elaine Marie Cooper, Cynthia Roemer and Candace West. Her website: http://kellygoshorn.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kelly.j.goshorn Twitter: https://twitter.com/KellyGoshorn Amazon: https://amzn.to/3muOIrm
Connect with Lisa:
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023

Have you ever been worn out trying to please everyone else? Our guest Cheryl Lutz know exactly how that feels. Cheryl talks about how her need for approval from others and striving for perfectionism drove her "to a place of complete spiritual, physical and emotional exhaustion." In her book, Securely Held: Finding Significance and Security in the Shelter of God's Embrace, she shares her journey of healiung by dicovering her true worth and value as a Daughter of the King. Cheryl is a biblical counselor, Bible teacher, author and speaker. She is also a recovering people pleaser and perfectionist. Cheryl and her husband, a retired pastor, have 4 adult children, live in a cabin in Georgia and enjoy traveling and hiking.
Facebook Professional Page(s): www.facebook.com/securelyheld (Securely Held) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheryllutz_securelyheld/ (Cheryl Lutz) Podcast: https://www.cheryllutz.com/podcast YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCem1uZTmLWUYxqxvpqMs5SQ (Cheryl Lutz, Securely Held) LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/cheryl-lutz-31755b58 (Cheryl Lutz)
Connect  with LIsa: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023

"The weary world rejoices!" This line from a popular Christmas song led Christine Trimpe on a deep dive to discover more about joy. What she discovered was life changing. Christine shares her story of going through the Gospel of Luke and learning about the abundance of joy that can truly transform our hearts and carry us through difficult trials. Her book Seeking Joy through the Gospel of Luke: A Christmas to Calvary Advent Countdown will help readers discover a deep joy that only comes from God. Christine is an award-winning author, speaker,and weight-loss warrior. She describes herself as a former "casual Christian" who is now a passionate joy seeker and encourages others to spend time in the Word to discover the good news for themselves.
CONNECT WITH CHRISTINE:Order details for Seeking Joy: ChristineTrimpe.com/JoyGrab your early Christmas gift: Seeking Joy Bonus ChaptersContact email: Christine@christinetrimpe.com Website: www.christinetrimpe.com
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023

No one wants to hear the words "you have cancer". When Angela Washington heard these words, she was devastated. This was one more thing in a string of tragic events that just about took her out, but when she turned to God and grabbed a hold of her faith, she found strength. Now she thanks God for her jouney which has given her the blessing of a supportive community and a new outlook on living life abundantly. Angela is the youngest of 4 siblings and single mom of a son in his twenties with mental challenges. She likes spending time with her family and friends, dancing, going to the beach and volunteering. She is Ms November 2023 for Here for the Girls Calendar to Live by. https://hereforthegirls.org/member-stories-meet-angela/
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023

What do you do when you have no control over what is happening? You can control your response. Lori suffered a hemorrhagic stroke at 29 and developed epilepsy due to the stroke. She has spent the last 20 years recovering and living her best life. She lives in Arizona with her husband, Dainis, and their 3 adopted children from Colombia. Her book Choices: When You are Faced with a Challenge, What Choice Will you Make? shares her stroke recovery journey and her choice to hold on to her faith and choose joy. www.lorivober.com
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023

Have you ever struggled with dieting, body image, negative thinking? Laura shares her struggle with all of these and offers the hope of freedom. She shares about her new book, Still Becoming: Hope, Help and Healing for the Diet-Weary Soul . Laura is a speaker, author and coach. She is a wife, mother and grandmother. Most important she is grateful to be living a free and abundant life that God offers us all and is passionate about helping other achieve the same freedom. https://laura-acuna.com/
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023

We all have things that cause our identity to be shaken. Today's episode is focused on overcoming self-hate and finding self-acceptance through embracing what God says about us - that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Carol Chisolm shares her story of struggling with alopecia and how she broke free from shame and fear to coining the phrase "I have alopecia, but it doesn't have me". She also shares practical tips on how we can embrace the bold and beautiful people God created us to be. Carol is a singer, songwriter and author of the book "Breaking the Shadows: How to Embrace Your True Self and Live in the Light of God's Glory". You can find her music on all major music streaming platforms or follow her on Instagram and Facebook. www.carolchisolm.com
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023

Life is full of twists and turns and sometimes we can wonder where God is on the roller coaster. Sarah E. Frazer shares her story of how life didn't go as she expected and what we can learn from Moses. God is stil in control and He is good, so we can trust Him, even when circumstances are difficult. God doesn't waste anything that happens in our life. Sarah is a writer, Bible study mentor, wife and mother of five. She is passionate about encouraging women to read the Bible and pray every day. Her book I Didn't Sign Up for This: How to Rest in God's Goodness When Your Story Shifts shares how "God's purpose is never thwarted". You can connect with Sarah on Instagram @sarah_e_frazer and her website sarahefrazer.com
Let's Connect: 
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

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