
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
We are called to empower and equip the next generation. One way we can do that is to guide teens into the knowledge that they are deeply loved and valued as children of the King. When girls know their identity in Christ it is a game changer. The world has so much to say about who we should be, but it is God who has the final say of who we are. Hannah Conway shares her own story of struggling with her identity and her devotional In Case You Forget to encourage teens to remember their true identity. Hannah is a Social Media Marketing and Communications Coordinator and Women's Ministry Directory. She is an author, podcaster, military wife, mom and dog lover. You can listen to her podcast "What's Your Story? with Hannah & Stephani" http://www.hannahrconway.com/
Let's Connect:
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Caris knows what it is like to be overwhelmed and stressed with everything there is to do in life. Taking care of family, taking care of business, and taking care of ourselves canbecome crushing tasks that leave us depleted. We want to sit at God's feet and rest but we don't have time for that. Caris shares what she has learned about redeeming those moments of time to spend a few minutes with God that can recharge us. Her book Car Line Mom Devotional is full of personal stories where you can relate and refresh your soul. Caris is a speaker, author, podcaster and coach. She loves to help people go from less than to fulfilled. She and her husband live in Alabama with their two daughters and fur baby. You can connect with Caris on social media and find out all about her books and more on her website. https://www.carissnider.com/
Let's Connect:
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Have you wanted to say "Yes" to God, but been too scared? In this fun and energetic conversation, Jennifer Hand talks to us about moving past our fear stops and taking faith steps. You can't help but smile at the fun stories and love that Jen exudes as she shares how we can put our "Yes" on the table. The rewards for following God whole-heartedly are worth stepping out and conquering the fears.
Jen is the Executive Director of Coming Alive Ministries and loves the honor of traveling nationally and internationally, inviting people to come alive in Christ. Her book My Yes is on the Table challenges the reader to say Yes to God every day and live surrendered.
You can find her at www.comingaliveministries.com or on social media.
Let's Connect:
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Surrender is not something people normally like, but as we learn from Natasha, there can be beauty in surrender. Natasha shares her journey from struggle to surrender and the peace that can only come from giving in the God who loves us more than we can imagine.
Natasha is an author, speaker, Bible teacher and a full time homeschooling mom. She is the founder of Hope in Every Seasons Ministries. Her passion is to love, inspire, and encourage women who are ready to find rest for their souls by laying it all at the feet of Jesus. Seasons Change, God Remains. Natasha lives in Alabama with her loving husband of 24 years. She is a new dog mom and clings to the verse Ecclesiastes 3:11 “God has made everything beautiful in His time."
Falling into Surrender Retreat October 20-23, 2023 hope@natashalynndaniels.com https://www.natashalynndaniels.com/ https://www.facebook.com/NatashaLynnDanielsAuthorandSpeaker
Let's Connect:
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Mental illness can be hard and Abigail Alleman knows first hand how difficult the journey can be. Abigail shares her struggle with bi-polar disorder in a vulnerable and authentic way, all while pointing to God as the ultimate healer. She also shares how others can support those they love in difficult situations.
Abigail is a lover of God, words, and vulnerability. her journey towards wholeness from the ravages of mental illness is a testament to the healing of a God who is "with us." She offers her raw and inspiring story through her book, A Million Skies: Secure in the God's Strength When Your Mind Can't Rest. She has served as a teacher, mentor, or missionary to students for twenty-five years. Her current call is to minister with her husband to refugees from around the world. She also shares the message of hope God has given her as she speaks, writes, and coaches. She live in Illinois with her husband and three children.
Connect with Abigail:
Instagram: Abigail Alleman
Book: A Million Skies: Secure in God's Strength When Your Mind Can't Rest
Connect with Lisa:
Website: Lisa Granger
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Hospitality is an important value. Over the years, my family has hosted at least 12 exchange students from around the world from 10 days to 10 months. The lessons learned and the relationships built have created a treasure trove of stories and opportunities for a lifetime. Hear from multiple sides of the story.

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
We can have the courage to obey God's call when we look back at His faithfulness. Joshua lives out a life of courage by believing God's promises and stepping out in obedience, even when it didn't make sense.
Let's Connect:

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Sometimes God sees something in us that we don't see. We can allow circumstances, mistakes and other people determine how we see ourselves and forget what God says we are. We can take courage from God that when He says we can do something, He will give us what we need to accomplish that task. Take heart from Gideon who became the mighty warrior God said he was.
Let's Connect:

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Have you ever felt distracted? Peg shares about how easy it is to get distracted by all the things in our life but we can turn our distractions into prayers to draw closer to God. There is the distraction of Denver, disturbances, delay, debris, and more.
Peg Arnold, author and speaker has a passion for encouraging others to find their true value and purpose in Christ. Her mseeages are fueled by her personal experiences. Peg grew up in Michigan, parented her family in Maryland and now explores Colorado.
You can check out some of her devotions on the YouVersion app, "Devotions for the Distracted Heart". www.pegarnold.org
Let's Connect:
Facebook: Lisa Granger, A Woman's Heart
Instagram: Lisa Granger
Linked In: Lisa Granger